The St William Window
10a William celebrates mass in the Minster on Trinity Sunday
10b William welcomes his guests to a feast
10c William takes to his bed and prophesies his death
10d [Replacement panel for William during his final illness]
10e William’s death
11a William’s burial
11b William’s body unharmed during a fire in the Minster
11c The healing of a blind girl
11d A hydropsical woman is brought to the Minster
11e The hydropsical woman is cured at the tomb
12-13a Ralph and Besing appear before a judge
12-13b Ralph and Besing fight
12-13c Ralph is blinded by Besing
12-13d Ralph prays at St William’s tomb
12-13e Ralph is given new eyes
15a A man attacked by a devil
15b Lame men and cripples collect holy oil seeping from the tomb
15c A boy drowned in a well is revived by Saint William
15d A woman with withered arms prays at the tomb
15e Eight supplicants at the tomb
16a Lame men and cripples at the tomb
16b A paralysed man is brought to the tomb
16c A crippled boy is cured at the tomb
16d A hydropsical man at the tomb
16e Saint William saves a ship with a broken mast
17a A woman who swallowed a frog
17b The woman is cured at the tomb
17c A boy is cured at the tomb
17d A man is thrown from his horse into a river
17e A girl is saved from drowning in a river
18-19a William is canonised by the pope
18-19b King Edward I and Queen Eleanor of Castile are invited to the translation of William’s relics
18-19c King Edward falls from a mountain
18-19d Edward I gives thanks to Saint William for his deliverance
18-19e King Edward and Queen Eleanor hasten to York
1a The first donor panel
1b The second donor panel
1c The third donor panel
1d The fourth donor panel
1e The fifth donor panel
20a Saint William’s tomb is opened
20b The relics of Saint William are carried in procession
20c Archbishop Wickwane and six bishops
20d A servant is hit on the head by a stone
20e The servant escapes unharmed
21a A man with a bandaged leg
21b The man offers a model of his leg at the tomb
21c A woman falls into the river from Ouse Bridge
21d The woman is saved and gives thanks
21e A cripple is healed at the portable reliquary
22a An imprisoned man seeks to be released
22b The freed prisoner offers his chains at the tomb
22c A man hangs decorative textiles in a church
22d The man is hit on the head by a falling stone
22e Carrying the stone, the man leads the portable reliquary in procession
23a Three men at the tomb
23b Three cripples at the tomb
23c A woman kneels at the tomb
23d A mother and child kneel at the tomb
23e A leprous woman at the tomb
24-25a A hydropsical woman at the tomb
24-25b A crippled man and two supplicants at the tomb
24-25c A crippled woman is healed at the tomb
24-25d A lady is trampled by a horse
24-25e The lady gives thanks for her deliverance at the tomb
2a The marriage of William’s parents
2b William’s baptism
2c William's education
2d (Replacement panel for William as Treasurer of York Minster)
2e The death of Archbishop Thurstan
3a William is elected archbishop
3b William takes the oath of office
3c William’s enemies conspire against him
3d William and his enemies petition the pope
3e The pope gives his judgement
4a The pope’s letter is delivered to the dean of York.
4b William prays before his consecration
4c William is consecrated archbishop
4d The pope sends the pallium to William
4e Cardinal Hincmar carries the pallium to England
5-6a The death of Pope Lucius
5-6b The consecration of Pope Eugenius
5-6c The Cistercians appeal to Pope Eugenius against William
5-6d Pope Eugenius deposes William
5-6e Henry Murdac as archbishop of York
7a William is greeted by Henry of Blois
7b William retires from the world
7c The death of William’s opponents
7d The Holy Spirit reveals the news to William
7e William is given spurs by Henry of Blois
8a William goes to Rome again
8b William receives the pallium from the pope
8c William sails back to England
8d William meets Roger of Pont-l'Évêque at Canterbury
8e William is greeted by King Stephen
9a William travels round the diocese
9b William is greeted at the gates of York
9c The miracle of Ouse Bridge
9d William is greeted at the entrance to the Minster by the clergy
9e William is enthroned in the Minster
A1 An Archbishop
A10 A King
A2 A King
A3 An Archbishop
A4 A King
A7 An Archbishop
A8 A King
A9 An Archbishop
B1 An Archbishop
B2 A King
C2 An Archbishop
C3 A King
C6 An Archbishop
C7 A King
D1 An Archbishop
D2 A King
E1 Inscription
E2 Inscription
G1 Monogram
G3 Monogram
H1 Censing Angel
H2 The Virgin Enthroned
H3 Christ in Majesty
H4 Censing Angel